14.03 archive_it

berlinerpool, berlin

ber­li­ner­pool invi­ted to the book pre­mier and artist talk by Rei­ner Maria Maty­sik. The event intro­du­ced the two latest books by the artist, a talk with the con­tri­bu­tors and a pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the frank­fur­ter Publi­shing House Gut­leut Ver­lag. The evening was fol­lo­wed by an open dis­cus­sion and wrap­ped up with music by Claus-Micha­el Schle­sin­ger. Invi­ted spea­k­ers were: Claus-Micha­el Schle­sin­ger, Marc Wras­se, Inge­borg Reich­le, Micha­el Wage­ner (Gut­leut Ver­lag) and the artist. The event was mode­ra­ted by ber­li­ner­pool chief cura­tor Paz Ponce.