On the work of Bio®evolutionsfond

Plant no. 1, proud­ly pre­sen­ted by Bio®evolutionsfond: A phytic orga­nism of extra-human height, which can assi­mi­la­te and hold human beings. If humans enter the cup-shaped orga­nism, it swift­ly embraces them com­ple­te­ly by slight­ly con­trac­ting and enve­lo­ping their skin with the inner mem­bra­ne of its cup. The insi­de of the cup’s sur­face secre­tes juices which make the human skin more per­meable for fine tur­ned out micro-rhi­zo­mes, which then enter the human tis­sue. The rhi­zo­mes quick­ly grow into the human orga­nism and pene­tra­te its tis­sues. At the same time, an inten­si­ve cel­lu­lar meta­bo­lism sets in bet­ween the two con­nec­ted orga­nisms. The phytic orga­nism then starts to deac­ti­va­te the genes on their mole­cu­lar level and to infil­tra­te its own, high­ly acti­ve plas­mi­des into the ali­en cell nucleus. As a result, a blen­ding of the human and phytic orga­nisms sets in on various levels. The boun­da­ries bet­ween the two orga­nisms dis­sol­ve. Both the orga­nisms fuse.

The first Bio®evolutionsfond (Bi®ef) and eBio®
(Supporting the future biological-aesthetic®evolution with the capital of the presence)

eBio® will be foun­ded around the turn of the mill­en­ni­um. The pre­vai­ling dis­cour­se on bio­lo­gy, socio-bio­lo­gy and post-capi­ta­list poli­ti­cal models has pro­du­ced an incre­asing­ly clear visi­on of a model for life that is more ali­gned with the bio­lo­gi­cal core of human beings and the bio­lo­gi­cal world. The model of a new poli­ti­cal sys­tem is deve­lo­ped on the basis of an initia­ti­ve of Euro­pean poli­ti­cal theo­rists, artists, bio­lo­gists and other experts. On the pre­mi­ses of the pre­sent civi­liza­ti­on and its pos­si­bi­li­ties, a way of com­mu­nal living is sket­ched out, in which man’s domi­nan­ce is trans­for­med into a hum­ble com­mit­ment to the bio­lo­gi­cal move­ments. An evo­lu­tio­na­ry pha­se is immi­nent. Hig­her life chan­ces for new and exis­ting orga­nisms will be the consequence.

The Bio®evolutionsfond will finan­ce this under­ta­king. The deve­lo­p­ment of con­cepts is initia­ted. Con­fe­ren­ces are orga­nis­ed. Pro­ba­tio­na­ry com­mu­ni­ties and model pro­jects will be foun­ded. The­se ven­tures will result in the foun­da­ti­on of eBio®. Final­ly, a vir­tual­ly unin­ha­bi­ted area is iden­ti­fied, which will be wil­lingly han­ded over by its govern­ment for the estab­lish­ment of a model sta­te. Most of its inha­bi­tants are sup­po­sed to ori­gi­nal­ly come from this regi­on and are thought to trans­form a form­er­ly unusable marsh­land into fer­ti­le land by bio­lo­gi­cal pro­ces­ses. The inha­bi­tants will be cho­sen by a com­mit­tee. They will app­ly for it vol­un­t­a­ri­ly. A lar­ge part of the com­mit­tee will want to move to eBio®, too.

In the land of plants, animals and humans

The first Bio­cra­tic­Re­pu­blic (eBio®) will most pro­ba­b­ly be loca­ted in the for­mer area of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on. Its area – 20,000 squa­re kilo­me­t­res – stret­ches over 56 kilo­me­t­res from north to south and over 65 kilo­me­t­res from west to east. The who­le area of eBio®, as it has been plan­ned, will be situa­ted in the for­mer, vir­tual­ly unin­ha­bi­ted marsh­land of the Bel­o­rus­si­an Soviet Uni­on. The area south of Minsk is known as Prip­jet Marsh­lands. Accor­ding to the plans, eBio® will cover the for­mer uncul­ti­va­ted marsh­lands of Bel­o­rus­sia. In the his­to­ri­cal­ly brief span of 50 years, eBio® can be deve­lo­ped from a back­ward marsh­land into the model for future life on earth.

eBio®’s capi­tol will be Plan­ta. The who­le land­scape is bio­lo­gi­cal­ly desi­gned. Typi­cal for the new­ly to be deve­lo­ped land­scape are hil­ly pla­nes of small size. Soil-diver­si­fy­ing orga­nisms will trans­form the regi­on into a fer­ti­le, varied land­scape. The soil will be inters­per­sed with orga­nisms. Micro-des­troy­ers and met­re-long flat­worms will chan­ge the who­le phy­si­cal, che­mi­cal and bio­lo­gi­cal qua­li­ty of the soil. Out of a poor area will result a fer­ti­le place of diver­si­fied life forms.

Ori­gi­nal­ly, the Bel­o­rus­si­an land­scape was cha­rac­te­ri­zed by wide hil­ly pla­nes. The land­scapes bor­de­ring to eBio® are descri­bed in an adver­ti­se­ment as fol­lows: »behind a dark forest stret­ches a rye field fol­lo­wed by undu­la­ting, some­ti­mes swam­py mea­dows. A river runs through, or a lake, hid­den behind thick brushwood. And then the­re is forest again.«

eBio®’s soil main­ly con­sists of spo­do­sol, loam, san­dy loam and sand. The who­le area had been quite watery befo­re the trans­for­ma­ti­on of its soil. eBio® is loca­ted in the mode­ra­te cli­ma­tic zone on the line of the west winds. The sea cli­ma­te even­tual­ly turns into a more con­ti­nen­tal cli­ma­te. The annu­al avera­ge tem­pe­ra­tu­re is seven degrees. Win­ter lasts for about three months, spring for about two, sum­mer for five and autumn for two months at the most. The annu­al rain­fall is on avera­ge 500–700 mil­li­me­t­res, which is favoura­ble for agri­cul­tu­re. A lar­ge river, form­er­ly cal­led Prip­jet, runs through the area. The river and its tri­bu­t­a­ries belong to the basin of the Black Sea. The river flows quiet­ly and slow­ly wit­hout mee­ting any signi­fi­cant obs­ta­cles on its way. The lakes of the area have crys­tal clear water and are sur­roun­ded by pica­res­que, pre­do­mi­nant­ly woo­ded banks and bea­ches. The forests con­sist main­ly of oak trees, spruces, white bee­ches, alders and ash trees. Elm, lime, apple and pear trees can also be found, as can mas­si­ve peat deposits. 

The few peo­p­le who used to inha­bit the area of eBio® are East Sla­vo­nic. Fif­ty years after its foun­da­ti­on, the repu­blic coun­ted 800,000 inha­bi­tants. The nati­ve inha­bi­tants spo­ke Bel­o­rus­si­an, a lan­guage which is rela­ted to Rus­si­an and Ukrai­ni­an in terms of grammar and lexi­cal struc­tu­re. Out of respect for the ori­gi­nal nati­ve cul­tu­re, Bel­o­rus­si­an was defi­ned as first lan­guage of eBio®.

In the his­to­ri­cal­ly brief span of 50 years, eBio® will deve­lop from a back­ward marsh­land into the model for future life on earth. This con­sis­tent, dyna­mic deve­lo­p­ment, which will be visi­ble in the for­ma­ti­on of eBio®, will make it pos­si­ble for orga­nisms to trans­form them­sel­ves fun­da­men­tal­ly with incre­asing speed. After peri­ods of slow chan­ge, natu­re has crea­ted a tool in human beings which can final­ly bring the poten­ti­al crea­ted and stored by natu­re to frui­ti­on. The natu­ral and social evo­lu­ti­on is stee­ring towards the bene­fit of the world and the hap­pi­ness of its inhabitants.

Reli­gi­on will dis­ap­pear. This medi­um for the appease­ment and reassu­rance of the mas­ses is no lon­ger nee­ded. At the same time, morals form­er­ly jus­ti­fied by reli­gi­on will dis­ap­pear, too. Mar­ria­ge will beco­me part­ner­ship. The com­mu­nal life of humans, ani­mals and plants will not be gui­ded by Chris­ti­an prin­ci­ples any­mo­re but will exist on the basis of the diver­si­ty of the exis­ting as well as his­to­ri­cal models of socie­ty and on the basis of inno­va­ti­on and creativity. 

In this land­scape, sen­sua­li­ty will be set free and social cha­os will be repla­ced by hap­py people.